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Reflective Journal Week 16

  1.  What did you actually learned from the unit. Not much as there was not much to be learned.  2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why? We are just working on our final. Yay!! 3. How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice. Not relevant  4. You personal feelings about the material covered. I don't think I have any feelings about it this week. 
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Reflective Journal week 15

  1.  What did you actually learned from the unit. There wasn't a lot of stuff to do this week. I enjoyed, as I always do, reading my classmates responses on the discussions. They are all very smart and full of great ideas! 2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why? Reading what they wrote didn't change my opinions but some of the ideas they gave are great and is something I would add to my opinion.  3. How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice. As I said above, they have great ideas and I would implement them if/when I am ever in a position that was described.   4. You personal feelings about the material covered. It was good. 

Reflective Journal week 13

  1.  What did you actually learned from the unit. I enjoyed reading and learning from the comments on the group discussion page.  2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why? It was a good experience, I thought they all had great ideas and it was interesting to read them all.  3. How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice. It was good for ideas to implement if ever needed.  4. You personal feelings about the material covered. I liked this week because it was short which worked great for me because we are doing mandatory overtime. 

Reflective Journal week 12

  1.  What did you actually learned from the unit. I learned about collective bargaining and got a small glimpse of what it would be like to be part of a union.  2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why? I liked reading/learning about my team members collective bargaining assignments and the differences they entailed.  3. How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice. From the movie assignment, I am going to continue to work on my communication skills. I believe that communication is huge in all aspects of life. 4. You personal feelings about the material covered. I thought the material covered was good. 

Reflective Journal week 11

  1.  What did you actually learned from the unit. I thought this was an interesting unit and I learned a lot because it was pretty much all brand new information to me. I have never really thought about strategic planning as a concept, I am sure I have practiced in life without really labeling it strategic planning, but has been a learning experience this week for sure.  2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why? The team assignment where we made a map of healthcare providers and healthcare related facilities was cool. I have been thinking about people that live in rural areas lately as a lot of the COVID patients that come to my unit lately are from towns in Utah that I have never heard of. I have been looking them up just to see where they are at and they are usually very rural areas. The assignment this week just added to that thought process because not everyone has access to healt

Reflective Journal week 10

  1.  What did you actually learned from the unit. At first I was like. "really, watching a show about mice and some small dudes in a bachelors program, c'mon now", but after I watched it, I can see the importance of it. I think change is hard for most humans, I think it happens at a time when we least expect it, making it even harder to adapt!! I am not so sure I learned anything new, however, it was a great reminder for me...change is constant and how we react to that change is what makes or break us.    2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why? I don't believe we had a team activity this week which was a nice break to be honest, a great CHANGE if you will :).  3. How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice. I can not even begin to explain in words the change my unit has seen as we are the designated med/surg covid unit. We have seen SO MUCH CHANGE, cha

Reflective Journal Week 9

  1.  What did you actually learned from the unit. I learned that I like organization, it really helps me succeed in most areas of life.  2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why? We all struggled a bit with the disorganization of the assignment involved, none of us knew exactly what we were supposed to do but maybe that was the point (?). I just felt like we needed more information in order to staff appropriately, we weren't even sure how may employees we were staffing and just made it up on our own. It did not change my opinion, I thought staffing would be hard before and I still think that is the case. 3. How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice. I will have more compassion than I already have towards the nurses who create the schedule on my unit. We have been understaffed and we are at capacity lately, so that has been a challenge.  4. You personal feelings abou